Café con Leche Project
Café con Leche Project
2016-2017, Ongoing Public Interactive Project
Materials: Coffee, Milk, Glass Mixing Jars, Table, Chairs, Index Cards
Café con Leche invites visitors to mix coffee and milk to match their skin color and then to reflect and engage in conversations with others on the topic of skin color. The project started in July 2016 and in the first seven months the project has included over 200 participants. Below is a list of participating groups:
Museum of Art & History, Santa Cruz, CA
Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Detention Center, Staunton, VA
Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, VA
Old Furnace Artist Residency, Harrisonburg, VA
Cabrillo Extension, Watsonville, CA
Mid-Peninsula High School, East Palo Alto, CA
San Jose State University, San Jose, CA
Cubberley Artist Studios, Palo Alto, CA
Lotería de la vida
Lotería de la vida
2016, Installation and Interactive Work
Materials: Appropriated Photography, Bottle Caps, "Lotería" Game Set, Table, Chairs
"Lotería de la vida” means “lottery of life” in Spanish. "Lotería" is also a Mexican folk game similar to bingo. Participants learn how to play "Lotería" and are asked to look closely and reflect on the images of undocumented immigration portrayed in the bottle caps. This work was presented at the following locations in 2016:
SOMArts, San Francisco, CA
San Jose State University, CA
2015, Installation and Interactive Performance
Materials: Old family photographs, clothesline with sheets and clothes, kitchen table, chairs, video and audio, salsa, tortillas, limes, chiles
Exploring what it means to be the child of a Mexican immigrant, Carmina invites visitors to sit and have conversation while she makes salsa and tortillas from scratch. The conversation begins with Carmina revealing her fears of not being able to produce the passed-down recipes correctly. A curtain hangs from the clothesline and serves as a projection screen, where old snapshots from Carmina's mother and grandmother are projected, while an audio mix of sounds of her family cooking, frying, and chopping food, as chatting and laughter play in the back ground. Displayed at the following locations:
Museum of Art & History, Santa Cruz, CA
San Jose State University, San Jose, CA