A project to disrupt the zombie-like scrolling through Facebook and in particular response to Covid-19.
Action: Monday through Friday I post a fill-in-the-blank style sentence inspired by current events, with the intended effect of disrupting anxiety and fear, while also reflecting on grief, gratitude and care.
Compiled List of Fill-in-the-Blank Sentences
*Newest first, oldest last. Updated intermittently. Current list update 4/29/2020.
Something that helps remind me to breathe is ______________.
A local business I’m happy to support and is still open for delivery, pickup, online classes, or phone support is _______________.
Something I notice changing is ________________.
I find strength in _____________.
Something new I am doing is _____________.
A song or piece of music that I have been listening to a lot is __________________.
The question I am asking today is “________________________?”
A food or meal I have been eating a lot of recently is ______________.
I am ___________.
People in my community are helping each other by ___________.
Something that I can see from where I am sitting and that I enjoy looking at is _____________.
Something I hope will continue after the pandemic is over is ______________.
If I’m able to go outside or see out of my window, something I look forward to seeing is ________________.
The hardest part of day is _________________.
The thing getting me through today is _____________.
To take care of someone else today I _________________.
To take care of myself today I _______________.
Something I need help with is ________________.
I am sad that ___________.
My elders and ancestors survived difficult situations. A story that I am reminded of is when ______________.
Something I enjoy during the quietest moments is ______________.
Something that helps when I feel sad and am grieving is ______________.
Something that I appreciate about other people right now is ____________.
Something that I learned from childhood that is helpful right now is __________.
Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed I pretend that ___________________.
A new skill I’m learning is ______________.
Three sounds I can hear right now are _________________.
To take care of myself today I am __________.
Something that made me smile today was _____________.
Right now I am grateful for ___________.